Vested Summit 2018 - The World's First Conscious Tech Summit
Let’s face it: the solutions to the world’s most pressing problems are not to be found in a sleek office in Silicon Valley but in the heart of the world’s emerging economies. This is where the next billion users will be. That’s why Vested was born: to gather the brightest conscious tech minds in emerging markets with the world’s savviest, passion-forward investors to craft – and strike deals – that change the world. For real.
Any tech that is trying to solve a real-world problem. That is actually adding value to people’s lives.
Because we believe designing for the people is not the same as designing with the people. Because we need to fix the Earth before we can reach Mars
LGBTech hosted by Google 2017: T is for Trans
We organize fun professional tech events, by putting a spotlight on meaningful dialogues between fabulous LGBTQ entrepreneurs and Proud corporates. We are very good at picking the right subject-matter and bringing people together.
What we want: 1. Increase Business Opportunity within local LGBTQ communities. 2. Improve Workplace EQuality for every LGBTQ members. 3. Leverage Brand Identity for global LGBTQ partners.
Peer to peer learning in a casual setting
UXcampNL is an unconference born from the desire to bring together the industry and academic communities to share knowledge in an open environment. It is an intense one day event with presentations, discussions, workshops and demos in the field of User Experience and related disciplines.
Unlike a traditional conference, UXcamp is shaped by the attendees themselves. Anyone willing to contribute and learn is welcome to join and give a talk, workshop or start a discussion.
I was on the main organizing team.