Speaking and Workshops
UX Research Methods
Given over 2 weeks to give the opportunity for the participants to apply the methods they learned.
Week 1
Overview of psychological research methods
How to conduct an interview that will get valid results.
What is Card Sorting?
What is usability testing (types and uses)?
Breakdown of usability heuristics and examples
How to choose the right test for the subject matter?
Step-by-step how to conduct a usability test?
Assignment: Choosing a product and section to test.
Week 2
Reflections on the testing process.
How to analyze a usability test?
What to do with the analysis/ how to apply the things that we learned.
Communicating the results of the test in a report.
Presenting the results of the test.
Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Group guidelines - 3 Components of self-compassion - Mindfulness practice
Letting go of resistance - Loving Kindness - Affectionate breathing practice
Self-compassion and relationships
Empathetic Team Building
Two-hours dedicated to helping your team (max 6px at a time) get to know each other on a deeper level. Work culture can get toxic when people perceive each other in a competitive way and as a result a fear-based blame culture is created. This workshop is a way to prevent that from happening and also could help soften a team that already has tension. By the end of this workshop your team will connect past the small talk. This will be done through a vulnerability exercise, sharing and an eye-gazing* exercise.
*The eyes connect to the heart <3
Past Events
TALK: Self-Compassion for Designers (2021)
IrisX is the biggest annual gathering for anyone interested in Experience Design like Business Owners, Product Owners , UI and UX designers, Researchers and Students.
After the success of this talk, I offered a longer 2 hour version to the winning audience members of a competition at the end.
This workshop is now offered every month.
Workshop: Self-Compassion for Designers
Talk Title: A Citizen Centered E-Gov Portal (2020)
Designing for 100 million people. Download slides here. (Arabic & English)
IrisX is the biggest annual gathering for anyone interested in Experience Design like Business Owners, Product Owners , UI and UX designers, Researchers and Students.
Fast & Furious Usability Testing Workshop (2020)
Teaching someone to test their own product is the same as teaching a man to fish. They’ll benefit from this for years! What is a usability test, how to apply it, how to analyze it.
Empathy in the Workplace
How to be kind to each other in an emotional workplace. The caring staff at Baheya an organization for women with breast cancer.
I had the pleasure of giving a workshop about empathy in the workplace the incredible Baheya Foundation. The provide unmatched services for breast cancer patients in Egypt for free. I loved it and can't wait to go back to teach them about how to detach from the patients. An essential part of patient care.